Want to discover more about Cryotherapy and its benefits? Read more below…
What is Whole Body Cryotherapy?
Cryotherapy translates to “cold therapy” where we use our top of the range chambers to safely immerse yourself to temperatures of up to -160c. You will stand in the chamber up to shoulder level, keeping your head at room temperature and allow your body to plummet to beneficially freezing conditions. Your session will last for a maximum of three minutes.
How does Whole Body Cryotherapy work?
Cryotherapy can lower your natural body temperature by 10 degrees causing a physiological shock response. Your body works hard to protect your vital organs and so circulates blood away from your periphery towards your core. By doing so, your blood pressure and heart rate rises and noradrenaline is released into the system.
Whilst your body is placed under such extreme conditions, the blood vessels constrict and then expand once leaving the chamber. This enables freshly oxygenated blood to rush around the body, reduce inflammation and increase lymphatic drainage.
What does Whole Body Cryotherapy do?
By using cryotherapy to improve blood circulation, release endorphins and reduce inflammation; there are numerous benefits that occur as a result.
These can be categorised into:
•Sports and physical recovery
Cryotherapy is very popular among athletes because of its ability to promote soft tissue repair and speed up the body’s recovery process. It is a great way to boost physical performance in sports or day to day activities.
As your body is placed under severe cold temperatures, it enters survival mode and releases endorphins or “feel good” chemicals to prevent the body from shutting down. This burst of “happy” hormones will leave you feeling invigorated, promote mental wellness and improve sleep.
As well as many physical and mental benefits to cryotherapy, it can also be used in your aesthetic toolkit. Your body can burn up to 800 calories post treatment making it a great for weight loss. Collagen production is also enhanced making it a great way to achieve plump skin by reducing fine lines and wrinkles.
Acne and other skin conditions including eczema can also be successfully treated by reducing the body’s inflammatory response.
What can Whole Body Cryotherapy treat?
•Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
•Sports injuries
•Weight loss
•Anxiety and depression
•Chronic pain
•Chronic Pain
•Boost immune system